
Martin McGarry

President and Chief Data Scientist

Predictive analytics is rapidly transforming how businesses operate. From finance to retail, aviation to healthcare, companies use predictive analytics to enhance efficiency, manage risks, and improve customer experiences.

If you’re wondering what predictive data analytics is and how it works, let’s explore its key components, common uses, and how you can leverage it for your business.


How Does Predictive Analytics Work?

Predictive analytics relies heavily on historical data to create accurate predictions. By analyzing past events and trends, data analysts build models that help forecast future outcomes.

Past data serves as the foundation, allowing predictive models to spot patterns and relationships between different variables. For example, finance companies use historical spending data to predict customer behavior. It helps them make better decisions on loan approvals or credit risk assessments.

Retailers, on the other hand, might use data analytics to understand seasonal shopping habits, allowing them to stock inventory efficiently. These patterns are key to forecasting, helping organizations stay ahead of the market.

How Machine Learning Enhances Predictive Analytics

When talking about predictive analytics, you may have heard the term “machine learning” tossed around. Machine learning strengthens predictive analytics by processing large datasets. It learns from each input to improve predictions and increase accuracy.

The algorithms can analyze complex data faster and more accurately than humans, which is why they’re widely used in industries like healthcare. Hospitals typically use machine learning to predict patient outcomes based on historical data, allowing them to personalize treatments and improve patient care.

As more data becomes available, predictive models must adapt to stay relevant. Continuous learning from new information ensures that predictions remain accurate and aligned with current trends. That’s why predictive analytics leverages machine learning to update models as new data becomes available automatically. Doing so allows organizations to stay agile and responsive.


Types of Predictive Analytics

There are several common types of predictive analytics models, such as regression, classification, clustering, and time series. Each one has its own strengths and applications.

Regression Models

Regression models are used to understand the relationships between different variables. These models analyze how changes in one variable (the independent variable) affect another (the dependent variable).

Here are some examples of regression models:

  • Linear Regression: The most basic form of regression analysis, where the model assumes a linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables.
  • Logistic Regression: Used when the dependent variable is categorical, such as predicting whether a customer will make a purchase (yes/no) or whether a loan applicant will default (default/no default).
  • Multiple Regression: Extends linear regression by incorporating multiple independent variables to predict the dependent variable. It’s useful for understanding the combined effect of various factors on an outcome.
  • Polynomial Regression: Used when the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is non-linear. It’s helpful for capturing more complex patterns in the data.
  • Time Series Regression: Specifically designed to analyze and predict data that has a time component, such as stock prices, website traffic, or monthly sales. It can identify trends, seasonality, and other temporal patterns.

One of the most common uses is sales forecasting, where companies review past sales data to predict future revenue. It allows retailers to quantify the relationship between the independent variable (in this case, the discount or promotion) and the dependent variable (sales).

Let’s say a retail chain wants to understand how a 20% discount on a particular product line affected sales during the holiday season. They would gather data on the discount percentage, unit sales, and other relevant factors (e.g., time of year, competitor activity, etc.) over a period of time.

Using this data, the retailer can apply a regression model, such as linear regression, to determine the correlation between the discount percentage and unit sales. The regression analysis will provide the retailer with a coefficient that quantifies the relationship, like a 1% increase in the discount may lead to a 2% increase in unit sales.

Classification Models

Classification models categorize data into specific groups or classes to make predictions based on data patterns. This model is typically used in detecting fraud by looking through historical transaction data to identify unusual patterns or behaviors that signal fraudulent activity.

Here are some examples of classification models:

  • Decision Trees: Classify data by recursively splitting it based on the most informative features.
  • Random Forests: An ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees to improve classification accuracy.
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs): Classify data by finding the optimal hyperplane that separates different classes.
  • Naive Bayes Classifier: A probabilistic model that classifies data based on the assumption of independence between features.
  • K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN): Classifies data points based on the class of their nearest neighbors in the feature space.

A retailer might use a decision tree to classify customers based on age, income, and purchase behavior to predict future buying trends. This type of classification model is simple and easy to interpret, making it popular in many industries.

Meanwhile, a random forest helps detect fraudulent credit card transactions in finance by analyzing multiple factors such as transaction location, amount, and time.

Clustering Models

Clustering models help organizations group data based on shared characteristics. This is especially useful for customer profiling, where businesses can use data analytics to segment customers into different clusters.

Each cluster represents a group with similar traits, such as purchasing habits, demographics, or location. The insights enable companies to design personalized marketing strategies that speak directly to the needs and preferences of each group.

Here are some examples of clustering models:

  • K-Means Clustering: Groups customers into K distinct clusters based on their similarity in terms of purchasing behavior, demographics, or other relevant features.
  • Hierarchical Clustering: Creates a hierarchy of clusters, allowing organizations to analyze customer data at different levels of granularity.
  • Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM): A probabilistic model that assumes the data is generated from a mixture of Gaussian (normal) distributions. This approach is effective when customer segments have overlapping characteristics, as it can identify the underlying probability distributions that define each cluster.

Clustering models differ from classification models since the former aims to group data points into clusters or segments based on their similarities, without any predefined classes or labels.

Classification models, on the other hand, are used to assign data points to predefined classes or categories based on their characteristics.

Retail is a prime example of how clustering models are used to improve marketing effectiveness. A company like Amazon might use clustering to identify customers likely to purchase electronics and send personalized ads for tech-related products.

In the healthcare industry, clustering is used for patient profiling and improving care. Hospitals might cluster patients with similar chronic conditions to recommend preventive care strategies or targeted therapies.

Time Series Models

Time series analysis is used to track changes in data over time. It helps identify long-term trends, seasonal patterns, and cyclical behavior, which are crucial for making accurate forecasting decisions.

The time series method focuses on analyzing a sequence of data points, typically collected at regular intervals, such as daily sales figures, monthly revenue, or yearly production output.

Here are some examples of time series models:

  • Autoregressive (AR) Models: Predict the current value of a variable based on its past values.
  • Moving Average (MA) Models: Use the weighted average of past errors to predict the current value. MA models are useful for capturing the impact of random shocks or unexpected events on a time series.
  • Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models: Combine the AR and MA approaches, making them more flexible in capturing complex patterns in time series data.
  • Exponential Smoothing Models: Assign exponentially decreasing weights to past observations, giving more importance to recent data.
  • Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Models: Analyze the interdependencies between multiple time series variables.
  • Seasonal ARIMA (SARIMA) Models: Extend the ARIMA approach by incorporating seasonal components, making them suitable for time series with periodic patterns, like monthly or quarterly data.

Financial institutions apply these models to forecast stock prices, interest rates, or economic indicators.

For example, a bank might use the SARIMA model to analyze historical credit card transaction data to predict spending patterns during the holiday season, allowing them to offer promotions at the right time.


How Is Predictive Analytics Used In Different Industries?

Predictive data analytics is useful no matter what industry you’re in. If you’re running a financial institution, you can use predictive models to detect fraud and manage risks. It can also help the aviation and telecommunications industries by forecasting demand for flights or predicting network issues.


Predictive analytics plays a crucial role in finance, where it’s used for forecasting, fraud detection, and risk management. One of its key applications is fraud detection, where it’s used to detect transactional anomalies.

Beyond traditional financial transactions, it’s also used to detect procurement fraud, which involves the misuse of company funds for personal gain. It remains one of the most common economic crimes affecting businesses of all sizes and sectors. In fact, 55% of business owners and managers name it as a significant concern, yet many companies are not fully leveraging the available tools to combat it.

Detecting procurement fraud involves analyzing patterns in purchasing data, supplier information, and employee behavior to identify suspicious activities. Using predictive analytics, you can spot anomalies like repeated purchases from the same supplier or unusually high invoice amounts.

Another way to leverage predictive analytics in finance is by automating data cleaning processes to improve the accuracy of financial market data. For example, the Bank of Canada partnered with Bronson.AI to streamline its securities data management.

Using Alteryx’s Fuzzy Logic matching tool, Bronson.AI automated the cleaning of datasets, reducing manual effort, duplication, and errors. The predictive solution not only improved the accuracy of the data but also created a scalable system for future data analytics challenges.


Predictive analytics has changed how medical professionals approach patient care by using historical and real-time data to forecast health outcomes. 72% of healthcare leaders believe that it will improve health outcomes and patient experience in clinical settings.

Now, hospitals use predictive models to anticipate which patients are at higher risk for complications after surgery, allowing for early intervention. For example, by analyzing a patient’s health history, vital signs, and lab results, predictive analysis can identify those at risk of sepsis, a life-threatening condition, and act faster to prevent its onset.

Managing chronic diseases is another critical application. By checking data on patients with conditions like diabetes or heart disease, healthcare providers can predict flare-ups or complications. This way, they can offer proactive care, reducing hospital visits and improving patients’ quality of life.




In the retail sector, predictive analytics enhances the customer experience by offering personalized recommendations. By analyzing data on past purchases, browsing habits, and customer preferences, machine learning models can generate tailored product suggestions in real-time.

Another way to leverage predictive analytics in retail is by reviewing sales data to guide promotions and pricing strategies. Bronson.AI worked with Farm Boy, a grocery chain, to develop workflows that checked product purchase trends and customer behavior.

With a better system, the retailer was able to identify key patterns and create customer profiles. It helped them plan future marketing efforts and optimize product offerings.


Predictive analytics is transforming the aviation industry by helping airports improve decision-making and optimize operations.

Bronson.AI collaborated with the Ottawa Airport Authority to develop Tableau dashboards that analyze real-time data trends, helping the airport manage daily operations efficiently. These dashboards helped monitor everything from passenger flow to resource allocation, making predictions on potential operational issues before they arose.

By analyzing historical flight and passenger data, airports can use predictive analytics to anticipate peak times, adjust staffing levels, and even forecast delays. This kind of data analysis not only improves operational efficiency but also enhances the passenger experience.


Predictive analytics help telecommunication companies manage vast amounts of data and improve network performance. Bronson.AI worked with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to automate the geospatial data processing for broadband coverage reports.

Using Alteryx workflows, they were able to reduce processing time and eliminate backlogs, ensuring that critical data on network coverage was validated and analyzed more efficiently.

In telecommunications, predictive analytics is used to monitor network health and predict outages or service disruptions before they occur.

Checking historical usage patterns allows telecom providers to anticipate network congestion, plan upgrades, and improve customer service. This proactive approach helps prevent service failures, optimize resource allocation, and even reduce maintenance costs, all while enhancing the overall customer experience.


How to Get Started with Predictive Data Analytics

If you’re ready to use predictive data analytics with your business, you must know your goals first. Then, collect and prepare data and find the right predictive tools and software. Afterward, make sure to build and refine the models so that they remain accurate and useful over time.

Step 1: Identify Your Business Objectives

When starting with predictive analytics, the first step is to clearly define your business objectives. These goals should be specific, measurable, and aligned with your company’s strategic priorities.

It’s important to ask key questions, such as: What problem are we trying to solve? What outcomes are we predicting? For example, are you aiming to increase sales, reduce costs, or improve customer retention? Defining these objectives will guide the data analytics process and make sure your efforts focus on solving relevant problems.

Another key consideration is understanding the scope of your predictive analysis. Are you looking to predict short-term sales or forecasting long-term customer behavior? By narrowing the scope, your organization can apply the right models and techniques to produce actionable insights.

Step 2: Collect and Prepare Data

Clean and relevant data is the foundation for building accurate predictive models and generating reliable predictions. If your data contains errors, duplicates, or irrelevant information, your analytics results will be flawed, leading to poor decision-making.

If a retail company is trying to forecast sales but has incomplete or outdated customer data, the predictions will be unreliable. 77% of data and analytics professionals reported that data-driven decision-making is the main goal of their data programs, but only 46% highly trust the data.

To address this, organizations should prioritize data-cleaning processes, such as removing duplicates, correcting errors, and validating data sources. Doing so helps improve the accuracy of the predictive models and provides better insights into business trends.

Step 3: Choose the Right Predictive Tools and Software

Selecting the right predictive analytics tool is essential for extracting meaningful insights from your data. Some of the leading tools in the market include SAS Viya, IBM SPSS, Tableau, and Microsoft Azure Machine Learning.

Choosing the best tool depends on the specific needs of your business, the complexity of your data, and the industry you operate in. Consider integration, scalability, ease of use, and cost as you compare different tools.

Step 4: Build and Refine Your Predictive Models

Once you’ve built a predictive model, you need to test it against historical data to see if it predicts outcomes accurately.

During testing, compare the predictions generated by the model with actual results to evaluate its accuracy. Metrics like mean squared error (MSE) or root mean squared error (RMSE) are commonly used to measure the difference between predicted and actual outcomes.

Predictive models require ongoing refinement to ensure they remain accurate and aligned with changing trends and data. Continuous improvement involves regular testing, where models are regularly updated and retested using new data.


Scalable Predictive Analytics Solutions with Bronson.AI

Predictive analytics is the future of data-driven decision-making, and Bronson.AI has the tools and expertise to help your business thrive. Our AI-driven solutions, such as automating data processes and developing cutting-edge dashboards, can help you optimize your operations, forecast future trends, and detect potential risks before they become problems.

Unlock hidden opportunities within your data today!