Quick Summary

ETL pipeline in Tableau Prep.

Finely tuned to suit CRTC short and long-term needs.

Proof-of-concept for automating ETL with larger datasets.

Project Overview

Bronson utilized Tableau Prep to create an ETL pipeline that transforms normalized quarterly survey data into a format compatible with Tableau for analysis by CRTC analysts.

The Challenge

The primary challenge was to anticipate the requirements of CRTC analysts while crafting an ETL pipeline that remains both scalable and flexible. Annually collected CRTC survey data was distributed across multiple tables, and when merged, this structure proved inadequate for effective analysis in Tableau. Additionally, variations in reporting categories and units of measurement necessitated additional processing to address and resolve these inconsistencies.

Our Solution and Impact

We created a matrix which contained all necessary information to join all relevant data into one dataset, while omitting undesired or superfluous records and fields. Unit conversions and handling certain data anomalies were hard-coded into the workflow. Additionally, Bronson crafted custom classifications to optimally categorize and present the survey data within a Tableau environment. To showcase the results of the ETL process, we then built a Tableau dashboard based on this output.

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